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Melissa Sims


Sitting in my office and looking out at the sunny skies and feeling the warm breeze isn’t super conducive to being productive. I want to lay by a pool and read a book, not dive deep into helping teams cope with grief, conflict, or team building. But I don’t have a pool, and I have work to do. And I do love helping everyone, but summer really is a tough one for me! My productivity slows way down. Partly because of my son’s baseball schedule, partly because my daughter is home from school, and partly because it is drilled into us that summer is when we take breaks. Umbrella drink, anyone? 

And as the summer season rolls on, home visiting programs face a unique set of challenges. The warm weather, family vacations, and seasonal distractions can significantly impact staff focus and productivity; not to mention the fact that many of your staff’s clients are likely hard to schedule right now. As a leader of home visitors, it's crucial to navigate these distractions effectively to ensure that services remain consistent and that staff stay motivated and accountable. Here are five strategies to help you lead your team through the summer months with unwavering focus and commitment.

Reiterate Expectations and Goals

One of the most effective ways to keep your staff focused is to set or reiterate expectations and goals. When employees know what is expected of them and understand the specific goals they need to achieve, it helps them stay on track despite the seasonal distractions. Sometimes we need to repeat the expectations more frequently to be sure they are understood. 

Action Steps:

  • Define Objectives: Start by outlining the key objectives for the summer months. This could include specific targets for client visits, paperwork completion, or professional development milestones.

  • Communicate Clearly: Ensure that these goals are communicated clearly and regularly. Use team meetings, email updates, and one-on-one sessions to reinforce these expectations.

  • Provide Resources: Equip your team with the resources they need to meet these goals, whether it's access to online training materials, scheduling tools, or one on one coaching.

Foster a Positive and Engaging Work Environment

A positive work environment can significantly boost morale and keep distractions at bay. During the summer, when external distractions are plentiful, fostering an engaging and supportive workplace becomes even more critical. Make it fun to be at work and not out at the beach! 

Action Steps:

  • Recognize Achievements: Celebrate both big and small achievements. Acknowledge staff members who meet their goals or go above and beyond in their duties. This can be done through shout-outs in meetings, written commendations, or small rewards.

  • Encourage Team Bonding: Organize team-building activities that can help strengthen the bond among your staff. Summer picnics, after-work gatherings, or team-building workshops can foster camaraderie and make work more enjoyable.

  • Maintain Open Communication: Create an environment where staff feel comfortable sharing their challenges and successes. Regular check-ins can help you identify any issues early and address them promptly.

Implement Flexible Scheduling

Summer often brings a host of personal commitments and activities for staff, from family vacations to childcare challenges. Implementing a flexible scheduling approach can help accommodate these needs while ensuring that work responsibilities are met.

Action Steps:

  • Offer Flexible Hours: Allow staff to adjust their working hours to better fit their summer schedules. This could mean starting earlier or later in the day, or compressing workweeks.

  • Promote Work-Life Balance: Encourage staff to take their vacations and time off. A well-rested and happy employee is more productive and focused.

  • Utilize Technology: Leverage technology to enable remote work where possible. Virtual meetings and digital documentation can allow staff to work effectively from different locations.

Enhance Accountability Through Regular Check-Ins

Accountability is key to maintaining focus and productivity. Regular check-ins can help ensure that staff remain on track with their responsibilities and provide an opportunity to address any emerging issues.

Action Steps:

  • Weekly Meetings: Schedule weekly meetings to review progress, set priorities for the coming week, and address any concerns. These meetings can be brief but should be consistent.

  • One-on-One Sessions: In addition to team meetings, hold one-on-one sessions with each staff member. This provides a more personal touch and allows for in-depth discussions about individual performance and challenges.

  • Progress Tracking: Use project management tools, simple spreadsheets, or even a Kanban Board to track progress on key tasks and goals. Share these updates with the team to maintain transparency and accountability.

Provide Ongoing Professional Development

Summer can be an excellent time for professional growth. Providing opportunities for ongoing learning and development can keep staff engaged and focused on their professional goals.

Action Steps:

  • Training Programs: Offer access to relevant training programs, workshops, or online courses. This could include topics like time management, client engagement techniques, or new industry standards.

  • Mentorship Opportunities: Pair less experienced staff with mentors who can provide guidance and support. This not only aids professional development but also fosters a collaborative environment.

  • Encourage Self-Development: Motivate staff to set personal development goals and support them in achieving these goals. This could include attending conferences, obtaining certifications, or exploring new areas of interest within the field.

Let’s face it, during summer a lot of us would like to be doing something other than work. But it is so important to stay focused on our goals and productivity. It requires a combination of clear expectations, a positive work environment, flexible scheduling, regular accountability check-ins, and ongoing professional development. By implementing these strategies, you can help your staff stay focused, motivated, and productive, ensuring that your home visiting program continues to provide high-quality services to clients.

Remember, effective leadership is not just about managing tasks but also about inspiring and supporting your team. By proactively addressing the challenges of the season, you can create a work environment where your staff thrives, even during the most distracting times of the year.


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